Onboarding Process
Helping to provide a thorough onboarding process for your academic appointee is crucial to their success at Yale. Please take a moment to review our onboarding checklist to ensure things such as completing your required I-9 form in Workday, obtaining a Yale ID and enrolling in benefits are being completed as soon as possible.
Confirm Arrival
Before an academic appointee can be officially hired at Yale and be granted access to their Net ID and Yale email, the academic unit overseeing the appointment needs to confirm arrival with the Office for Postdoctoral Affairs. Please confirm arrival by forwarding the appointee’s arrival email, include the requisition number, to Abby Davi for Postdocs in the School of Medicine; to Daniela Velarde for Postgraduates in the School of Medicine; or Alisa Paradise for FAS and all other Professional Schools.
Appointees will not be hired until the office has received confirmation of arrival from the academic unit.
I-9 Form and Tax documents (Postdocs and Postgrads ONLY)
Remind appointees to complete their I-9 form on or before their first day and any other documentation steps in their Workday inbox. Unexpired, I-9 documentation needs to be brought to Yale’s I-9 Center at 221 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511 by their third working day. For additional information and processes please click here. International Postdocs and Postgrads, please see additional information below.
NetID & Yale Email
To request a Net ID and YaleConnect email for your appointee, please go to IT at Yale Ned ID and Password Management.
Yale ID
Direct the appointee to the nearest ID Center to procure a Yale ID. ID cards are required of all on-campus appointees.
Initial Meeting
Remind your appointee to schedule an inital meeting with someone form their academic unit as well as their Faculty Mentor.
Benefits (Postdocs and Postgrads ONLY)
Direct appointees to log into Workday to enroll in their benefits. This onboarding task needs to be done within 30 days of hire. Postdoc benefits information is available here. Workday benefits enrollment guides are available here and here.
Postdoctoral Fellows not receiving a Yale University paycheck and not able to enroll for benefits using Yale’s Workday, are eligible to enroll with Yale Health’s Postdoctoral Fellow Membership Health Coverage Program. Additional information, monthly rates and the process of how to enroll can be found on Yale Health’s Unpaid Postdoc Fellows webpage.
Orientation (Postdocs and Postgrads)
Remind postdocs to register for mandatory orientation, as well as postgrads to register for mandatory orientation.
Training Assessment (Postdocs and Postgrads ONLY)
Direct postdocs to complete their training assessment. Many assessments are required to be completed before a trainee can begin.
International Postdocs and Postgrads
Remind your International trainees to attend OISS’s New Scholar Orientation to Complete the New Scholar Check In. This step needs to be done before completing the 1-9. Two weeks after the New Scholar Check In has been completed, international trainees can apply for a U.S. social security number. Lastly, international trainees need to register with Yale’s International Tax Office and complete the FINS within thirty days of hire.