Current Postgrads
Welcome to the Yale University Office for Postdoctoral Affairs website! If you’ve found your way to this website, you are either already a Yale Postgrad or are interested in becoming one. If you are currently a Yale Postgrad, please utilize the specific links to the left to learn more about the services and resources available to you.
A Postgraduate Appointee at Yale is a person with a bachelor’s or master’s degree or its equivalent who engages in a temporary period of training under the mentorship of a Yale Ladder Rank Faculty member. Funding determines a Postgraduate’s title of Associate or Fellow. Postgraduates can either be funded by Yale e.g., endowments, grants and contracts, department funds, etc., which grants the title of Postgraduate Associate, or non-Yale funds such as an external fellowship, home institution, outside government or other not-for-profit, etc., which grants the title of Postgraduate Fellow.
All Postgraduate appointees must have a designated Ladder Rank Faculty Supervisor (mentor) and clearly defined educational and training objectives. All Postgraduate appointments are short-term appointments with a term of one year, with a possibility of another one-year extension.