Salary and Taxes


The minimum compensation level for Postgraduate Appointees at Yale is $3,660 per month or $43,920 per year. More information can be found on this page - Postgraduate Salary Minimum | Office for Postdoctoral Affairs (

Please note that Postgraduates may not receive compensation at or above that of a First-Year Postdoctoral Trainee - Compensation | Office for Postdoctoral Affairs ( Postgraduates are paid monthly on the last business day of the month. Questions pertaining to pay should be directed first to the department.

Questions related to taxes should be directed to the Department or Yale’s International Tax Office - International Tax Office | It’s Your YaleInternational Postgraduate appointees can contact OISS directly and are encouraged to meet with Yale’s International Tax Office as soon as they arrive to Yale - Taxes | Office of International Students & Scholars (


Postgraduate Associates have State, federal, and Social Security/Medicare (FICA) taxes withheld from their paycheck. Postgraduate Fellows in general do not have taxes withheld but do pay state/federal taxes. They do not pay Social Security/Medicare taxes.