Planning your career is a bit like planning a relationship: hard to do and not always advisable. When looking back over a career, most people describe an organic process of personal growth and openness to opportunity. The world of work is constantly evolving, making it difficult to predict how your career will change over time. Additionally, your needs and interests will change.
Because there is so much that is unknown, it is difficult to make a long term plan. Short term planning however, is easier. Below is a timeline for postdocs that will help you plan your career while at Yale:
Broadly speaking the question you are attempting to answer when seeking a career is “what would make me happy?” Often the best place to start is by answering some fundamental questions about your happiness:
The answers that you come up with will likely touch upon the 3 main elements of self assessment:
Understanding what you are looking for in each of these areas will help you when you start researching career options to determine the best sector, field, and job for you. This diagram puts it all together:
The ideal job is at the intersection of the elements. It is important to remember that it is very unlikely that one job will have everything you want. Additionally, you may not want to have all of your needs fulfilled by your career. provides descriptions for hundreds of jobs at every level, and also has online assessment tests that will try to match you to career options. The values questionnaire is free and the others cost $10-20. You can create a free account that will allow you to save your searches and the results of your assessments.
See also Researching Careers -Getting Started for additional resources.
Although it is tempting to start your career planning here, researching options can be overwhelming if you have not identified your goals. It is hard to find what you are looking for if you don't know what you are looking for!
Once you know what you are looking for, there are 3 main areas to consider when researching your options:
Broadly speaking, the world of work can be broken down into 4 sectors: 1) Academic, 2) Industry, 3) Non Profit and 4) Government. Each of these sectors has a different mission and as a result their values will be different:
Within each of these sectors there are many fields. These fields are frequently multi-disciplinary, and it is important not to limit your options by focusing only on fields that obviously match your area of research. (ie biochemistry cancer research = pharmaceutical). There are probably other fields to which you can apply your interests and expertise (ie biochemistry = cosmetics research)
Once you have identified fields of interest, you will want to research specific organizations within each one. Every organization has a different culture and mission.
Knowing your workplace needs (i.e. security versus advancement) is extremely important at this stage, as it can have a tremendous impact on your career satisfaction. Targeting companies that share your values will help you to be more successful in the long run.
Because every organization is structured differently, the set of responsibilities associated with a particular role can vary tremendously. A "Project Manager" can be defined differently depending on the specific organization or even on the department. Job titles are rarely consistent across companies. Every position should be thought of as unique. As a result, it is often easier to start your career planning by identifying potential employers and then researching what specific role at that organization would be a good fit for you. Typical job functions include:
The sites listed below each provide helpful descriptions of the different fields, industries, and types of careers that you may be interested in, along with links to further resources in that area.
Yale Career Network Alumni Login
This directory allows current students and postdocs to connect with Yale alumni (both student and postdoc alumni) to find out about career paths and ask for valuable career advice. You will need to log in with your Yale NetId to access this database. To access the database after you have left Yale, you will need to complete the Postdoc Exit Survey ( to become a member of the Association of Yale Alumni.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Occupational Outlook Handbook link
Compiled by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, this site contains industry and salary information and the projected growth of various jobs.
This site will try to match you to career options based on your interests and skills. For each suggested career option there are linked resources where you can learn more about that career path. The matching tool doesn’t work for everyone, but the resources can still be very helpful.
Read about the wide variety of career paths taken by sciences PhDs, and gain insight on how they found their position.
This site provides excellent examples of the career paths taken by people with a PhD in a wide variety of disciplines. Premium content available to Yale affiliates. Register with your Yale email. Once you have registered you will receive a link to activate your account, which will take you to the main mage. You will need to login again to access the premium content, which can be found in the “PhD Career Finder” section
Written by a History PhD, this site is an excellent source of information on non-academic options, with a focus on arts and humanities
There are many ways to use LinkedIn to research career options and companies, this link will take you to a page where you can browse for companies by industry sector.
Yale’s Office of Career Strategy has a search tool for finding job sites by industry.,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=bth
Knowing typical salary ranges is essential when negotiating a job offer. Be clear about what else is important to you (flex time, vacation days, health benefits, etc.) The sites below will provide general information on salaries for a wide range of careers.
The National Postdoctoral Association has identified six core competencies to guide your career and professional development:
While your research experience and your mentor will help you to advance in the first two areas, we strongly recommend that you also invest time developing the remaining competencies. Our office and many others at Yale organize events throughout the year to assist you in your professional development. Explore the links below, and read our weekly email newsletter for a compendium of upcoming events.
The variety of training opportunities available at Yale is extensive, and we use our weekly newsletter to summarize all upcoming events. Other resources are listed below.
Please find a syllabus from RCR here.
“Yale University is committed to the conduct of research and research training activities in a scientifically responsible and ethical manner. The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is a part of funding requirements for both the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundations (NSF).”
Postdocs paid from NSF or NIH grants, fellowships or other awards are required to complete RCR. If you are unsure how your postdoctoral position is funded or whether you are required to complete RCR, please consult your faculty mentor/supervisor or unit admin and funding agency guidance (see links below).
For those postdoctoral appointees paid from certain National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants or programs, specifically: D43, D71, F05, F30, F31, F32, F33, F34, F37, F38, K01, K02, K05, K07, K08, K12, K18, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K30, K99/R00, KL1, KL2, R25, R36, T15, T32, T34, T35, T36, T37, T90/R90, TL1, TU2, and U2R, please register for the in-person RCR course offered by the Office for Postdoctoral Affairs which is offered each spring.
***The Spring 2025 course for the above appointees is now scheduled. It will take place on Friday, April 11, 2025 from 8am-5pm. Full details and registration can be found here: Attendance for the full day is required to complete the course. ***
For those postdoctoral appointees paid from NIH R awards, NSF fellowships and research grants please take the online CITI RCR course using the instructions provided here:
If you take the in-person RCR course offered by the Office for Postdoctoral Affairs, your attendance will be tracked and your completion recorded to reflect your compliance. Please note: for the in-person course, you can miss only up to two sessions, and any sessions missed must be made up (instructions for makeups will be provided).
If you take the online CITI course, please send your certificate of completion to and your completion will be recorded to reflect your compliance.
According to the NIH guidelines, you need to take RCR again when you: change roles or every four years.
NIH RCR Requirements:
NSF Requirements:
Office for Postdoc Affairs RCR webpage:
Networking has been consistently demonstrated as the most effective job search strategy, so why are so many people reluctant to network?
Networking is about creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with others, particularly those in your fields of interest. As a general rule, the larger your network, the more effective your job search is likely to be.
Sheer Terror! I am much too shy/introverted to do this!
I don’t like schmoozing/using people – networking seems rude/aggressive to me.
I don’t like asking for help or imposing on people – won’t that seem desperate?!
Remember that good networking is really about being friendly and interested in others, being an active and attentive listener, and treating people with courtesy, respect and generosity. As Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker and author, noted: “You can get everything you want in life, by helping enough other people to get what they want.”
As you develop relationships within your target field you will need to introduce yourself to many people and be able to make the most of these opportunities.
In such situations a little preparation goes a long way, especially if talking about yourself and your achievements does not come naturally to you. Start by identifying your strengths as a potential employee: your relevant skills, experiences, achievements, interests and goals. Then think about the organization or industry or individual you are targeting, and consider which factors directly contribute to a good fit between you and them. Thirdly, be clear on what your goals are for the interaction. What are you hoping to learn? Finally you want to try to put all of this together into a mini introduction that might take several possible forms.
a) Sound Bite: An abbreviated introduction best used when time is short, as a lead-in to a telephone conversation for instance. Mention your name, educational background, and the purpose of making the contact.
“Hello. My name is Danielle Ferguson, and I am in a postdoctoral researcher in English literature at Yale. I am currently researching potential career options, and the publishing sector is an area of particular interest to me. I understand you have held many different positions in this field. I am interested in finding out more about your career path. Would it be possible to speak with you sometime this month?”
b) Infomercial: A longer version of a sound bite, more along the lines of a verbal business card. In addition to your name and educational background, mention relevant experience and skills, knowledge of the organization and the information or position you are seeking.
Continue with: “Last year I gained some editing experience at H & R Publishing in Chicago where I especially enjoyed collaborating closely with writers. I would like to continue to gain editing experience but am also interested in finding out more about the marketing side of the publishing business. I know that your company, NewBooks Plus, has recently expanded its marketing operations. Could you tell me more about these developments?”
c) Commercial: The longest version describes your background, qualifications, skills and achievements in more detail and would be used in situations where you are able to have a more extensive conversation with someone.
Continue with: “Over the course of my doctoral degree and since I began my postdoc I have taken numerous business and marketing seminars to complement my research experience. I have a thorough understanding of American literature and writers, with expertise in modern poetry. I would enjoy collaborating with local authors to promote their new works. I have several questions regarding the qualifications and experience necessary to break into the field, and am very interested to hear what you have to say about this.”
The keys to a successful information interview are your enthusiasm, preparation, and ability to communicate clearly. Before you go to an interview, think about the type of information that would be helpful to you.
The following are sample questions. Respect anything your interviewee does not want to talk about. Always remember to thank them for their time and ask if there is anyone else they would recommend you speak with.
Questions about their career path/training
Questions about their current position and responsibilities
Questions about working conditions
Additional questions
You may want to take some notes during the information interview, but do so sparingly, so as not to interrupt the flow of conversation. After the interview, write down all of the main points and pertinent details covered.
Send a thank-you note or email within 24 hours of the meeting.
Nurture and maintain your relationships with the people you have interviewed. Keep them informed of your progress and any action you have taken based on their advice. If they referred you to someone who was also helpful or recommended a book, website or professional organization which you subsequently followed up on, let them know that. Once you make a decision about your career path or land the position you were hoping for, inform them of this as well; and thank them for their role in your journey. Remember, good relationship building is reciprocal: if you read an interesting article they might enjoy, forward it on; if you hear about a success they have achieved or an award they have received, send a congratulatory note.
Re: Meeting Last Week
Dear Mrs. Newman,
Thank you so much for talking with me last week. I really appreciated you taking the time out of your busy schedule to tell me about your fascinating and varied career path and to bring me up to speed on the latest developments in immunotherapy technology.
I learned a great deal from our discussion, and I also greatly appreciated your referral to your colleague in a new start up, Mr. Johnson. I spoke with him yesterday, and we will be meeting later this week.
I will be sure to keep in touch and let you know how my career plans develop. Thank you again for your time, your enthusiasm, and your suggestions.
Linda Green
This is the last step in the career planning process (many people make the mistake of starting here!)
After you have:
Then you will be ready to create a strong targeted resume and cover letter. The most common error postdocs make when creating a resume is to forgo tailoring it –it is incredibly important to take the time to examine the positing and identify all the skills the employer is looking for –including all the soft skills (communication, team work etc.).
Here is a table that outlines the differences between an academic CV and a resume:
Here is a summary of what to include in your cover letter:
The following guides and sample industry resumes will help you to see what kind of information employers in industry are looking for:
The search for a tenure track faculty position is somewhat different from a regular job search, and has unique challenges. Our office, the Office of Career Strategy, and the Center for Teaching and Learning run workshops throughout the year on preparing for the academic job market.
Below are additional resources to help you craft your job application and prepare for the interview process.
Vitae’s The Quick and Painless Guide to your Academic Job Search. (Also see see: )